commentary to op 18d

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Kyrie and Gloria (from the MISSA BREVIS, op. 18b) arranged for precentor, 4 mixed voices, organ and wind, op. 18d (1959/1994)


First performance: October 9, 1994, München, Liebfrauendom
Münchner Domchor / 150 Chöre der Erzdiözese München und Freising / Lassus-Bläser-Ensemble / Franz Lehrndorfer / Bernward Beyerle

Duration: 6 Minutes

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As a commission for the Archiepiscopal Administration of Munich and Freising, Bertold Hummel arranged in 1994 the Kyrie and Gloria form his Missa brevis, op. 18b (of 1959) for precentor, 4 mixed voices, organ and wind. Both these parts of the Mass were heard at the Kirchenmusiktag (Church Music Conference) 1994 of the Archdiocese Munich and Freising and were published by the Amt für Kirchenmusik (Church Music Administration) there as a choir booklet in a special edition.

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